Photoshop Bundle



What’s included in the Photoshop lesson plans bundle:

  • A brief summary of each project, including suggested grade level and prior knowledge, time required, software required
  • Higher-order thinking skills addressed
  • Technology-specific skills taught 
  • Digital delivery
Five projects include:
Photoshop Basx
Adobe Photoshop is KidPix for grown-ups–and the default photo-editor for graphics enthusiasts. This lesson provides a basic introduction to layout, toolbars, history as undo, etc. It is essential to morphing a traditionally-challenging program into a classroom tested easy-to-understand favorite for all. Be ready: Your students will be amazed by what they can accomplish.
Cropping in Photoshop
Practice Photoshop’s three methods of cropping–crop tool, lasso, magic wand. then learn to copy the cropped image into any background and resize it to fit its surroundings.
Cloning in Photoshop
Use Photoshop’s cloning tools to add images to a picture, or add part of one favored graphic to another.
Artistic Rendering in Photoshop
Add different artistic overlays to a project, including colored pencil, dry brush, cut-outs and more. Learn how to add custom shapes, filters and take ‘snapshots’ of each with Photoshop’s camera tool.
Drawing in PhotoShop
Use paint brushes to add detail and spray images and shapes. Use the gradient tool for backgrounds. Show how the upper toolbar changes with each selection. Includes instruction on layers, foreground, background, patterns, use of the history tab and more.

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