What’s included in the 8th Grade Lesson Plans (internet-based) bundle:
- 5 lesson plans integrated into inquiry, using web-based tools
- A brief summary of each project, including suggested grade level and prior knowledge, time required, software required
- Higher-order thinking skills addressed
- Technology-specific skills taughtÂ
- Digital delivery of the PDF
Five projects include:
Sponge activities for History
Sponge Activities using PowerPoint
Have a file folder of Jeopardy games students can play alone or in groups. Makes them integrate with classroom curriculum, i.e. history, science, language arts.
Have a file folder of Jeopardy games students can play alone or in groups. Makes them integrate with classroom curriculum, i.e. history, science, language arts.
Online Spelling Practice
Use to practice spelling words, site words or Dolch words.
Use to practice spelling words, site words or Dolch words.
What’s a word cloud?
Create a word cloud to pictorially display student input on a subject or organize thinking.
Create a word cloud to pictorially display student input on a subject or organize thinking.
Integrating Web 2.0 into the Classroom
How to be a good digital citizen. Using classroom blogs, internet homepages, webpages, wikis, social bookmarks, online calendars, and Open Source documents.
How to be a good digital citizen. Using classroom blogs, internet homepages, webpages, wikis, social bookmarks, online calendars, and Open Source documents.