1st Grade Tech Curriculum Print



1st Grade Technology Curriculum is the second in a series designed to teach technology by integrating it into classroom inquiry. The choice of hundreds of school districts, private schools and homeschoolers around the world and tens of thousands of students, this nine-volume tech ed curriculum is the all-in-one solution to running an effective, efficient, and fun technology program for kindergarten-eighth grade (each grade level textbook sold separately) whether you are the lab specialist, IT coordinator, or classroom teacher.

301 images

4 assessments

14 pedagogic articles

24 posters

32 weeks


  • Perfect bound/Digital: 236 pages
  • License: Single user (available for multiple users when you click Buy)
  • Publisher: Structured Learning; Sixth Edition (April 2024)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-13: 978-0978780012 and 978-1-942101-23-9
  • Purchase:
      • Print–delivery by Amazon
      • Digital–PayPal, credit card (via PayPal)
      • School Purchase Order (min. $100)–Contact zeke.rowe@structuredlearning.net for details.

Each lesson is aligned with both Common Core State Standards and  National Educational Technology Standards, and includes:

  • academic applications for lessons
  • additional resources
  • assessment strategies
  • big idea
  • class exit tickets
  • class warmups
  • Common Core Standards
  • domain-specific vocabulary
  • emphasis on comprehension/problem-solving/critical thinking/preparing for career and college
  • essential question
  • examples
  • focus on transfer of knowledge and blended learning, collaboration and sharing
  • grading rubrics
  • homework
  • how to extend learning
  • ISTE Standards
  • materials required
  • options for adapting lessons to a class or lab
  • options for adapting lessons to PCs, iPads, Chromebooks, or Macs
  • problem-solving for lesson
  • skills required for lesson and learned during lesson
  • steps to accomplish goals
  • teacher preparation required
  • time required to complete

Using a tested approach that promotes literacy, critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making, students learn the technology required to prepare for their future. The secret is providing the appropriate lessons at the right time.

Each book/ebook includes:

  • K-6 wide-ranging Scope and Sequence
  • K-8 technology curriculum map
  • 32 weekly lessons
  • monthly homework (3rd-8th only)
  • student Certificate of Completion
  • comprehensive list of websites to support learning
  • articles that address tech pedagogy
  • posters ready to print and hang on your walls

With your tech curriculum purchase, you receive FREE access to a wealth of online resources (through our free companion wikis and blogs) including hundreds of teacher materials that differentiate instruction, websites that extend learning, and free help from professionals using the curriculum.

1st grade technology units include:

  1. Architecture and Design
  2. Coding/Programming
  3. Cover Pages
  4. Digital Letter Writing
  5. Digital Tools in the Classroom
  6. Fills
  7. Habitats
  8. Holiday Projects
  9. Internet and Digital Citizenship
  10. Internet Pictures
  11. Intro
  12. Intro to Operating Systems
  13. Intro to Spreadsheets Intro to Google Earth
  14. Open House
  15. Pre-Keyboarding
  16. Problem Solving
  17. Reading on Digital Devices
  18. Shapes
  19. Slideshows
  20. Software
  21. Stories with Comics
  22. Symbols
  23. Tools and Toolbars
  24. Visual Learning and Reading
  25. Word Processing—Intro and projects
Curious? Here’s a preview
Note: Color shown in preview in pdf only

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