65 Tech Ed Posters–Main


Fulfillment through Amazon $19.99


This set of sixty-five posters is a varied collection you can use to share critical issues dealing with technology and education. Print them out and hang them on your classroom walls or share them out digitally on a Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram feed.

Table of Contents

Posters 1 – 8 Problem-solving, critical thinking
Posters 9 – 10 Mouse Skills
Posters 11 – 12 Computer position
Posters 13 – 16 Digital devices
Poster 17 —  Tech in Ed
Posters 18 – 27 Keyboarding
Posters 28 – 31 Reading
Posters 32 – 35 Writing
Posters 36 – 38 Tomorrow’s education

Poster 39 — Flipped Classroom
Poster 40 — Digital Student
Posters 41 – 44 Saving on Computers
Posters 45 – 48 Digital Citizenship
Posters 49 – 53 Digital Search and Research
Posters 54 – 57 Tech Skills
Posters 58 – 62 Inspiration
Posters 63 – 65 Tech Lab

Detail on Tech Ed Posters

  • Publisher: Structured Learning
  • Language: English
  • Print–fulfillment by Amazon
  • School Purchase Order (min. $100)–Contact zeke.rowe@structuredlearning.net for details.


Curious? Here’s a sample:

Bundle of posters Preview

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